Meet My Old Friend “Doubt”

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blog ads 2-01I woke up the other morning with a huge dose of doubt. Ugh! Really? Seriously? Why now?

You see, “doubt” and I have had a long and complicated relationship. I keep breaking up with him (for some reason I have doubt as a man) only to discover that he keeps stalking me. As I write this I know I’m completely done with doubt, like no kidding. And I also know that I have said this before.

So I asked myself a couple of big questions:
What’s this doubt really all about? What is the relationship with my old friend doubt that I truly choose to have?

Last week I was on a Lucid Living Tele-class hosted by my dear mentor friends, Leza Danly and Jeanine Mancusi. They talked about the true meaning and the path to co-creation… the ability to make things real with all the resources around us – both positive and negative.

One key part of this process is to be with the feeling of dread.

Dread is the feeling of deep fear of our own demise. The feeling of dread can be awakened when we realize at our core that the way we have been living and doing life is no longer working and serving.

Boy can I relate to this. Although I love my work, my version of dread is this… If I work harder, and work more hours, I’ll get ahead. If I could figure out how to be in two different cities at the same time, delivering workshops, I could get ahead, and then I’ll be able to relax, at least for a little while.

I’ve realized that my dread is mostly related to the art of manifesting and making things real. It’s easy to compare myself to peers in my field. They seem to be having huge impact and making millions doing it. Why aren’t I? My way of doing and creating my business has been successful and YET, I now realize it is not sustainable. By doing more of the same, and in the same way, I will not generate and expand to the level I want to go.

Leza and Jeanine believe that we feel dread because the old way of “doing life” is going away and the new way is not fully realized yet, so it’s only natural that fear and doubt and dread become our experience.

I literally could feel my breathing become easier in the naming of this moment. As soon as I had this context of what was happening inside me I was then in a more powerful place of choice and understanding.

I’m clear that it’s high time I shake things up. It’s time to travel less, be more at choice, and really own the impact I long to have on my world around me. I’ve got a message to share with the world, and it’s my job to figure out the best – and most sustainable way – to do just that.

It is now time to be okay with fear, doubt and dread as I figure this out. It’s the path to clarity. It won’t always be easy, and when the going gets tough, I’ve got built-in allies ready to pitch in and help.

What do you think about this for yourself? Where has fear, doubt and dread got you?

If we lean into each other, we can include these feelings and then rise to a new level of creativity and awareness. From this new place, we can each create off-the-charts fun and successful lives. Remember, it’s all made up!

Let me know how things are going in your world.

More to come-

PS – If you want to go do some amazing “inner work” that so supports our “outer work,” please go check out Leza and Jeanine at Amazing!

PPS – I’ve just returned from presenting The Bigger Game to a group in Calgary. My friend “doubt” came home with me. Was it successful? Did I create the impact I desired? I wasn’t sure. And then I learned that one of the attendees wrote a blog post for the Huffington Post about the evening. Another reminder for me that we ALL have impact, even when we think we don’t. Click here to read the blog post!

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1 Comment

  • Shannon Kelly Reply

    What a fabulous post–and I love the purpose and bold action that you are stepping into!

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