Decision Time: Is getting it right really important?

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When I first hung my “I’m a coach” shingle, I spent a fair amount of my time “getting ready” to be in business for myself.

I agonized over what my business card should say.
I wrote and rewrote my bio and never seemed to be happy with it.
I stressed endlessly about the design of my website.

Looking back, it seemed like I was not able to make a decision about anything. UGH. What I realize now is that I kept different plates spinning to occupy my time and energy, instead of actually creating a real To Do List and getting things done.

I’ve learned a lot about my business and myself since then!

One thing that I started to do (just a few years ago) has become a game changing habit for me. I can truly say that this new habit grew my business (and my life!) faster than I could’ve ever imagined.

My game changing habit? Velocity of decision-making.

Notice I said velocity of decision-making, not accuracy of decision-making.

In the past, I always waited to make the “right” decision. I would agonize, overthink and simply just wait. And guess what, I didn’t always end up making a great decision.

Today, I make a lot of “right now” decisions. It’s a better place for me to operate from… it keeps me in the game and keeps me active.

The faster I make a decision – whether it’s a good one or not – the faster I can iterate, which causes me to learn faster, create faster, and figure things out faster.

Moving fast and making quick decisions has proven to be way more fun because it keeps me in a creative space, which for me is the biggest goal of life. At my core I believe that is the destiny of the human experience… to create. Create family, create business, create new ideas… which is ultimately all about creating impact. When we get to the end of our life, I believe we will be acknowledged for our impact… not our outcomes or our bank account.

What about you? Are you ready to make some “right now” decisions? I’d love to hear your thoughts.



  • Suparna Malhotra Reply

    Oh that really resonates with me. How wonderful to just go with the gut and well…GO! Thank you for this very important share.

    Lots of love,


  • Rick Tamlyn Reply

    Suparna– always love hearing from you…..sending you great vibes always with your good work in our world. Hope it is unfolding perfectly for you. Love ya-Rick

  • Leila Navab Reply

    Your post made me go even deeper than I usually do, into the crevices of my own being, Rick!
    For much of our “shaping” years we are asked to be on top of our game with making the RIGHT decisions; from the right choice of friends, schools, diagnosis, treatment plans, partner….. and the list goes on and on. (In fact Shaping years are exactly where we usually lose our sense of self in order to become the “right”, and correctly “intended” member of our society.) Although some decisions are certainly required to be as on target as possible (diagnosis and treatment come to mind!!!), the culture of being CORRECT in all that we DO puts a big pause on all that we could CREATE. and I see now, way more clearly how that is forming our lives on a deeply subconscious level! I see how the ACT of creation, regardless of its content, has a greater impact on our collective lives than all those right decisions we spend so much time making; like a domino effect , a ripple like movement in different directions and of various depths.
    My creation brings life to “being”, and an “alive being” is the source of true lasting impact.

    All that said, I am going to extract my “Being” out of the crevices I mentioned at the beginning (!) and give my capabilities (not just my decisions) a chance to surface and find their own way into becoming, while co-creating side by side with my wrong and right decisions!!!!!

    Thank you for all that you inspire!
    You are an amazing being, Rick Tamlyn!

    • Rick Reply

      Leila—thank you for looking where you look..for I believe that is the key to full life lived…it is in the ‘looking’ more than in the ‘finding.’ What you say above, by the way, perhaps, is the beginnings of a book that wants to come through you. It is very insightful and very real and very raw…which are the makings of a message. Keep on journaling, I dare say, and lets see of a book is created. Would that be fun for you to create? Best always, Rick T.

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