Psychic Income: Do you really need it?

The other day my brilliant mentor/therapist/guide talked to me about receiving psychic income vs. money income. When I heard these distinctions, it rang totally true and seemed quite obvious, and yet I had never heard it put this way.

As a small business owner I have days when I get deeply stressed about making money income. This typically leads to panic on how to make more, which then leads to a level of anxiety and stress that no one wants to come near me. My own level of attraction for folks to come toward my work and me goes down exponentially. The more I stress, the worse it gets.

Can you relate?

When I first heard about psychic income, I could feel my heart open up and my creative self return. This pointed me toward things that I do in my business that simply attract psychic income: things that feed my soul and my creative spiritual self. And of course, when I am in that space, my outward expression, aliveness, enthusiasm and personal resonance go way up, which then only attracts more folks to come experience what I might be offering at the time.

A great example of this is my monthly free “Coffee Time” video Zoom calls – I just love doing them! Allow me to share my process with you on how this all goes, in service of you finding your version to generate more psychic income in your world:

The night before one of the calls I tell the unconscious side of my brain, “I have a call tomorrow morning and many great coaches, leaders and positivity workers are going to show up. What is it that will serve them best?” Then I go to bed. My dreaming self then does its magic – it has never failed me… ever!

In the morning, I capture on a Post-It whatever wisdom, content or context that comes in. After welcoming everyone to the call, I simply offer ‘this just in’ as a jumping off point. From there, it’s magical.

Everyone co-creates learning and brainstorming ideas and I bring my leader/coach/business mentor self to the forefront, all in service of folks moving forward with their good work – in my language, their Bigger Game.

Talk about a psychic return on investment! I get off the calls on fire with creative ideas, with a newfound passion for living and with a new sense of what I want to create. There are things I have said and that others have offered that I know have never been said before. I do my best to capture them in my journal. I don’t know if I’ll ever use them, yet I have given them a home for a later date.

What might you offer to attract some psychic income? And let me offer a distinction here: psychic income is more than simply doing things that ground you (i.e., going for a walk in nature); those activities serve us deeply, yet what I’m talking about is delivering or sharing something with your tribe that has an impact that lights you up and has you feel, “Wow, that was super fun, more of that please!”

If you’re struggling with money income, be sure to allow yourself to focus on and create some psychic income. I strongly believe that psychic income begets money income.

I would love to hear what you come up with or what you are already doing, so that we can create from each other. You can share your thoughts here.

More to come,


  • Marcy Reply

    This was a great post Rick! I’ve developed a “Next Phase of Living” Portfolio Design program that helps executives start planing (for what used to be called Retirement), to help them design a plan that’s truly fulfilling and exciting. This program helps them learn and experience how letting go of old beliefs, attitudes, and energy patterns they believed they needed in the past to ‘get to this point’ in order to truly open up to discovering what brings energy and what’s most compelling for them in life at this point, and to use that as a compass to follow and a live the a life of their dreams!

    it’s been suggested that I might consider doing a podcast. Is that what you’re doing? I’d love to hear more and/or attend one? Thank you for sharing this today!
    Kindest regards,

  • Leonid Reply

    Love this, Rick. It defined very accurately what I have been doing lately following my urge to create fun and fulfilling experiences for myself and share them with those who choose to join. I am fa irm believer in amplifying my own experiences by sharing them with others.
    As a former dancer, I decided to bring dance back into my life. I have been attending 5Rhythms around the world, it is fun to do it in different countries/cities!
    Recently, I decided to create my own dance event to tap into the wisdom of our body and intuition. I had no idea how much resonance I would get. It seems, there is huge hunger for it here in Washington DC where people are sick and tired of being caught up in political chaos. I invited a dear friend who loves dance to join me. We rented a space (you do your Bigger Game Jumpstart there, a different room though) and we agreed to do the event for ourselves just because we love it, and for whoever wanted to join, willing to lose $60 each if no one shows up. We put it together in 4 days and had only 2 people join us. The psychic income was HUGE. We did the second one just a week later because more people heard of it and asked for it! And – wow! Not only we covered the cost, we put aside the surplus aside this time to invest into future events. Psychic income multiplied though a thousand-fold!
    Indeed, more to come! 🙂

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