THIS JUST IN: Magic Happens When You Make It Personal

this just in ad-05Hi Friends,

I see a world that doesn’t focus on the “bad” news of the day.

I see a world that celebrates the power of human potential.

I see a world where folks tap into their own creative power and create a “bigger game” that benefits not only themselves, but also their community and ultimately the world at large.

As you probably know, I’m compelled to ignite Bigger Games worldwide!

Can you imagine a world where we all play a bigger game and honor our individual compelling purposes? I can!

The upcoming Bigger Game Expo is my expression of this world that I “see.” It’s a place where folks gather with like-minded others and dream big. It’s a place where speakers showcase their good work and then ultimately inspire others to play their own bigger games.

It’s a place where community is created. It’s a place where fun and laughter and inspiration become the norm. Simply put, it’s a place where “hope is made real.”

When Chuck and I started booking speakers for this event, we really wanted to choose speakers that had an impact on our lives and opened our hearts.

One very cold Sunday morning last winter, a friend forwarded an email to me with a link to Elizabeth Gilbert’s first TED Talk. I started watching it, and from across the room I remember Chuck saying, “Whoever that is I’m hearing, we have to get her for the next Expo! I love what she is saying.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert

We chuckled, thinking it impossible, but decided to investigate nonetheless. We were told that she was not available and would be out of the country. No harm done. Fast-forward 2 months later, just as we were trying to finalize another speaker (and not succeeding, interestingly enough), Liz’s agent called and said all of a sudden she was available.

WOW… we had let go of the Liz Gilbert outcome… and once we did, magic happened. And now she’s confirmed to spend an entire Saturday morning with us, and I’m sure it’s no coincidence that her upcoming book is called “Big Magic!”

Each and every one of the 15 speakers at the Expo has touched Chuck’s heart and mine. For us, it’s personal.

I believe that whatever your Bigger Game is, it too, should be personalIt should make your heart skip a beat when you think about it. It should have you so excited that you can’t wait to get started each and every day. It should be fun and inspiring and fill your heart with love. It must compel you from the inside out. And it shouldn’t feel like work!

Here’s what I know: magic will happen when you make it personal.

Don’t have a Bigger Game? Don’t worry! I suggest that you let go of trying to figure out what your Bigger Game is and say out loud, “I am ready to play my Bigger Game with my life.” You must first be open and available to allow a Bigger Game to find you. It will! I believe this at my core.

Are you open, available and ready to find and play your Bigger Game?


PS – If you are open, available and ready, consider coming to what is a personal Bigger Game for Chuck and I… The Bigger Game Expo. It’s designed to inspire you to discover and create your own personal magic.

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