Don’t try! Be!

blog ads 2-05Have you ever experienced a time in your life where you seemingly met someone quite by accident… only to realize soon thereafter that it was no accident at all?

I believe that the universe has a way of pointing us toward people, things and places that we should experience.

I’ve been to Sydney, Australia about a dozen times, and each time I visit I instantly feel at home, completely at peace. I’m not sure why, but I just “go with it” and love every minute of every day that I am there.

Another such instance happened two summers ago at Lake George, NY. Chuck and I attended what was supposed to be a music festival in our small town park on the lake. The event was cancelled at the last minute because of the weather. As we turned around to head home, we literally ran into Ronen and Elizabeth Yaari, who were vacationing at the lake.

We struck up a conversation (have you ever known me not to do that!), and long story short, the next night we were having dinner with them, Ronen’s brother, and their families.

What fun we had! As they were telling us about their lives and projects they were working on, Chuck and I looked at each other and instantly knew that we just had to have Ronen and his brother Eyal speak at our then-upcoming Bigger Game Expo.

They agreed and were a smashing hit! I hope you’ll watch the video clip we’ve created about them and their bigger game; they are the perfect example of Bigger Game Players who weren’t necessarily looking to play a bigger game. Heck, they didn’t even know what it meant to play a bigger game. What started out as a “simple” bike ride across Israel, which is an amazing feat unto itself for sure, ended up compelling them to create a documentary, and then to facilitating workshops on diversity.

Like the Yaari Brothers, be open for your bigger game to find you. Don’t try! Be! Let go and trust the process, for the universe is always in play. Dare to know that the universe is always conspiring for your good!


Tips for Conquering Fear & Empowering Yourself

com-180x180Happy Friday everyone!

Earlier this year I was excited to be given the opportunity to do a “live” TV interview in Pittsburgh to help promote “Play Your Bigger Game.” Just moments before the interview I had a classic GULP moment, and it almost didn’t happen.

You can read about my “adventure” on Maria Shriver’s website by clicking here. She is such an inspiring bigger game player, and I’m honored to now be listed as an “Architect of Change” on her site.



It Takes a Village

About 5 years ago, I hit a very tough stretch in my life. Within a 6-month period, I lost my Uncle, my Mother, and my 15-year-old dog, Abby.

It seemed to be one devastating blow after another. And then I became sick. I was at a friend’s birthday party, when all of a sudden I passed out. I was standing with a glass of red wine in my hand, and literally fell to the floor mid-sentence.

Fortunately I recovered quickly and was admitted to the hospital overnight for observation.  My ongoing stress of “keeping it all going,” coupled with my exhaustion from constant traveling, finally led to an infection, that ultimately triggered a physical breakdown of my body.

It was during this time that I learned – really learned – the importance of surrounding myself with allies.

Two weeks after recovering from my physical breakdown, I seemed to have an emotional breakdown of sorts. I really started to freak out – about everything.

So I did what I would normally do, I called my business-and-life partner, Chuck. I unloaded a couple of truckloads of my angst on him. I whined. I complained. I bitched about traveling too much. You name it, everything was fair game, and I was on a roll!

To his credit, Chuck was compassionate and attentive to my needs for a good 20 minutes. Then he let fly with the best “Get your act together or let’s stop this business” tirade that I’ve ever received. Chuck went ballistic, but in a way that showed love, support, and nothing but encouragement.

Basically he told me that if I wanted to do good and meaningful work, he was there for me always – but only if I took proper care of myself; asked for help when I needed it; and took full responsibility for getting my act together physically, emotionally, and mentally.

We all need wake-up calls like that from time to time, don’t we? While it was really hard at the time, looking back I know that this episode in my life was a good thing.

What would your life be like if you considered everything that happens to you, good or bad, to be an ally for you? Think about your past and how situations that seemed horrible at the time eventually proved to have positive effects. I’ll bet you can come up with at least a few.

Chuck was the perfect ally during this troubling time for me. He was a true partner, one who cared enough to say, “Enough is enough!” He gave me empathy and support, and he also provided a reality check.

As a result of Chuck’s tirade, one of my calls for support went out to Dr. Carol Ann Malizia, a chiropractor and wellness expert. Little did I know the impact this woman would have on my health and well-being. She quickly became an ally in my life.

Dr. Carol Ann literally taught me to “feed” my true potential. As she says, “The time has come for us each to feed ourselves not only spiritually and emotionally, but also nutritionally.”

I value Dr. Carol Ann’s wisdom and knowledge so much that I asked her to be a speaker at the Bigger Game Expo. She wowed the crowd! She has the ability to present information in a clear, concise manner. She’s intelligent and authentic (I’ve compiled some clips of her speaking – take a look – it’s only 1:41 long. I find her so inspiring!).

And now my niece, Suzanne, and her husband, Erik, are also chiropractors and wellness experts, and very involved in my well-being. A holistic and natural approach to a healthier life is now the norm for me, and something that will help keep me on top of my game.

What allies do you have in your corner? If you already know, touch base with each of them as soon as possible and remind them who they are to you. If you don’t yet have your own dream team, I invite you to start. I find it helpful to create a list of the people in your life and, next to each name, write what sort of ally you hope that person is or will become. Creating a list will help make it real!

During one of my workshops, we were discussing the Allies square on The Bigger Game Board, and a participant said, “It’s ‘all-lies’ to think that we can get through life without allies.” We all laughed, and I thought it was a brilliant concept. Remember to look for allies in every situation – the good, the bad, and the ugly – and turn it all into positive energy.

Allies make the world go round!


Just Remember to Sparkle

Bob Pranga aka Dr. Christmas

Bob Pranga aka Dr. Christmas

Happy Holidays friends!

Just remember to sparkle; the glitter gets you everywhere! These are the words from my dear friend Bob Pranga, who was my very first coaching client 20 years ago!

Bob hired me because he was feeling lost. He’d been struggling to make it as an actor while working three jobs as a waiter, tour guide, and department-store clerk. Even with three jobs, he was $60,000 in debt.

We talked once a week for a year, focusing on his passions, his priorities, and the mark he hoped to make on the world. In our discussions, Bob kept coming back to one particular interest, and every time he talked about it, his eyes lit up…

While working for Macy’s, the famed department store in Manhattan, Bob had decorated the huge Christmas tree, which is an annual tradition and big attraction for the store. He decorated the tree so beautifully that many people complimented him, including the actress Mia Farrow.

Bob mentioned this several times during our first few discussions. Then one day, he added, “I love decorating for Christmas so much that I’ve even wondered if I could make a living at it.”

My Bigger Game alert immediately went off. “Why don’t you do that?” I asked. I explained to Bob that starting his own Christmas decorating business matched up well with his desire for the freedom to set his own hours and workload. “You love Christmas, and you love being independent; why not organize your life around those two loves?”

Within a year, Bob had established a brand as Dr. Christmas, Tree Stylist to the Stars. He found a great ally by attracting a good friend, Debi Staron. Their skillful decorating and engaging personalities have attracted a clientele that includes Ryan Seacrest, Paris Hilton, the Jonas Brothers, Kate Hudson, Whoopi Goldberg, Heidi Klum, and Leeza Gibbons to name a few.

His business has grown to also providing holiday decorations for movies and television shows such as Nip/Tuck, American Horror Story, Chuck, Veronica’s Closet, as well as the Home Shopping Network. Dr. Christmas also decorates for a corporate clientele that includes Wal- greens, Walmart, Tiffany & Co., The Beverly Hilton, Macy’s Herald Square, I. Magnin, The Walt Disney Studios, MGM, Warner Bros., and Paramount Pictures.

The moral of this blog post?! Anything is possible! Way back during my first coaching session with Bob neither of us envisioned his future success.

This story is a favorite of mine, and certainly fun to share this time of year. My hope and desire for you is that you realize your own passions and create a wildly fun and exciting life from that!

Sending you holiday blessings and love and joy for 2014…


If You Put Your Eye on the Prize…

“If you put your eye on the prize, you can do anything in life that you want to do.” – Alice Coles

By now you’ve probably seen we write or post or tweet or talk about Bigger Game Player Alice Coles. It was a dream come true for me to meet her in person at the Bigger Game Expo earlier this year.

Alice is truly a remarkable and inspiring woman. In this month of Thanksgiving, I am proud to honor Alice Coles.


It’s a party!

photoI’ll be in LA on Thursday night to officially launch my new book Play Your Bigger Game! It’s a party for sure, but more than that, I’ve created an evening that will be both fun and inspirational… one that will help point YOU in the direction of your bigger game.

If you are in LA, please join me at the NoHo Arts Center. We’ll also be doing a live webcast, so regardless of where you are in the world, please join in on the fun! The party starts at 7:00 pm PST/10:00 pm EST… to watch online, simply visit

I hope to see you there! Click here to learn more!


Alice Coles is a natural

I’ve talked about Alice Coles for over a decade in The Bigger Game workshop. She is an excellent example of what I call a “natural” bigger game player. Her story brings the Bigger Game Board to life! As many of you know, I had the pleasure to meet Alice in person at the Bigger Game Expo this past May.

Alice is pure inspiration! Expo attendees listened to her every word, and I was a bit star struck, to be honest! We’re working on an extended video clip of Alice and her work that we’ll debut next month, but in the short term, I just had to share a tiny clip of her talking about what it means to play a bigger game. What a great way to start a Monday morning!

More to come-

A Red Letter Day!

photoToday – Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013 – is a red-letter day for me. Hay House Publishing is releasing my new book Play Your Bigger Game!

And to think it almost didn’t happen.

I had convinced myself that I would never have a book published with a major publishing house. I didn’t understand the process. The whole idea of it was overwhelming. Especially when I would visit Amazon and see literally thousands and thousands of self-help related books. I thought, “Who in the world would want to read my book?”

I’d developed this “story” that I didn’t have a book in me: “I’m a much better speaker that a writer. What major publisher would want my book?” I stayed with that self-limiting story for a long time, even though my friends and allies were encouraging me to create an inspirational guide for playing The Bigger Game.

I love to inspire others with The Bigger Game and in particular the Allies square, and yet a couple of years ago I was afraid to ask for help and actually practice what I preach!

One day I finally reached out to Adora English, a friend and a former television producer who now serves as a media-savvy consultant.

“I’m ready to take the Bigger Game to the world,” I told her.

“I’ve been waiting years for this call,” Adora said.

That one fateful phone call set everything in motion. Adora has proven to be the best ally possible. You see, it turns out that there are many people out there whose mission it is to assist would-be authors in moving past the “would-be” state.

Once I was clear and set the intention, things began to fall into place. First, someone to actually help me get my thoughts onto paper. Then a literary agent. Then Hay House. In a strange sort of way, it all came together quite nicely and easily. It flowed. Now, this was over a 2-year period mind you, but nonetheless, magic seemed to be happening all around me!

This whole process has really taught me (finally!) that the fear of asking for help is really silly and self-defeating. We get so wrapped up in not wanting to look silly that we actually do something stupid – we give up. In a blunt and honest assessment of myself, I’d have to ask how a guy who travels the world offering help to others could be afraid to ask for help.

The lesson here is to tell the truth to your allies even if you won’t accept it for yourself. In my heart of hearts, I knew this book needed to be expressed; I was just afraid to admit that I didn’t know how to do it.

But a huge part of playing The Bigger Game is accepting that you don’t need the how; the game will take care of that.

Here’s to you creating your red letter day!


1,001 Dreams

Meet Jocelyne Desroches. She recently took the Bigger Game workshop in Montreal, and at first, wasn’t willing to take action and leave a comfort zone that wasn’t serving her.

No worries – not everyone is able to realize their compelling purpose and/or actually name their bigger game right out of the gate. There is no pressure – trust the process and your game will find you.

And that is exactly what happened to Jocelyne. In her words…

“When I did the workshop, I knew what motivated me, but I thought it was not time in my life to take action. During the weekend, I stayed in my comfort zone by naming something else, not wanting to feel the bomb sleeping in me. The months passed and I found, with your help and energy, my fantastic adventure of Bigger Game. I adapted it to my reality, my strengths and my limitations. And I want to share it with you.”

Jocelyne’s Bigger Game is to help her African friend Simeon Koalaga’s dream come true. She is selling bracelets to raise funds for a water pump and a fence to realize Simeon’s dream to grow vegetables and improve his family’s quality of life.

In the excitement of this game, Jocelyne has enrolled the help of her husband, Daniel, and their game has quickly morphed to something even bigger… together they will create 1,000 projects and raise $1,000 per project to raise one million dollars for African families, women’s groups and children. They call their Bigger Game 1,001 Dreams and their slogan is “Little by Little.”

Click here to learn more about 1,001 Dreams and learn how you can become an ally: Bracelets to make Simeon Koalaga’s Dream Come True.

I’m excited to congratulate Jocelyne and Daniel in what they are creating. When we are compelled, we can truly create miracles!
